
January 12, 2018

Challenges, Opportunities Seen in Western Europe

ANTWERP – Germany and the United Kingdom had the highest lubricant demand among European Union countries in 2016, a new Union of the European Lubricant Industry […]
November 11, 2017

Oil and Gas Industry Future Looks Attractive

After two years of declining prices and reduced employment, the oil and gas industry in Texas and across the nation appears to be making a comeback. […]
November 11, 2017

Helping Technology Move Smoothly

Last November, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched a geosynchronous satellite, the GOES-16, designed to revolutionize weather forecasting. The spacecraft features high-definition image capture of […]
November 11, 2017

Hidden Opportunities for All Players Behind Low Volumetric Demand for Finished Lubricants, Observes Kline

Parsippany, NJ - Finding opportunities in the global finished lubricants industry is becoming increasingly challenging as volumetric demand growth in many of